July 13, 2023

Scarcity in Abundance

Sogeti Online Executive Exchange



Video Recording

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The Sogeti Virtual Executive Exchange took place on Thursday, July 13 from 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM EST (17:00 - 18:30 Central European Time)

During this online session, we experienced a thought-provoking conversation with David Weinberger, one of the country’s recognized top experts on artificial intelligence.

  • As AI becomes more sophisticated, the more likely we are to simply accept AI answers without question.
  • The more we’ll begin leveraging it in new areas and in new ways.
  • The more it will impact how we make decisions, communicate, and create content.

Hosted by Sogeti’s global CTO, Michiel Boreel, as well as innovation author and Research Director of SogetiLabs, Menno van Doorn, we explored these implications and opportunities.

  • How will the abundance of generative AI contribute to helping us make better, faster decisions? What are the risks, and how can we best manage them?
  • ChatAI is built on language, not truth. How can we trust the information?
  • What are other companies doing already to maximize the benefits from this technology?

While AI innovation continues to evolve at lightning speed in abundance, we also seem to face a scarcity in truly understanding its impact it can have on our business and world.

If you have any questions, please contact

Kelly Maroney
Kelly Maroney
Associate Vice President of Marketing